My group otherwise know as 'Swagg Inc' had finished our horror trailer, we viewed it to other members of the sixth form in the lower year and gathered some feeback from it. Taking this feedback in we then used this information and developed on our trailer and made it better.
Ways in which we made it better this second time running is that we added some long clips also contatining speech in them which made an effect on the audience of building up to the intense moment of the trailer. We also edited the sound footage by fading it in to make it seem more realistic.
The pictures above are photos which were taken ourselves, we used a black and white backgrounds for these photos so that when it comes to using them for the media related work its easy to crop . The first picture was used for the poster design that was based on our trailer. The second image is the image that we used for our invitation and the third is the image used for our magazine cover.
The main source of the colours which we used were red, black and white the reason for this being because most horror film posters and magazines stick to those conventional colours e.g the red representing blood, danger and death.
To the left is the first horror magazine which my group and I created the reason for the changes would be because of the fact the positioning of the text was not positioned well which made the magazine unbalanced. the title 'HORRORSCOPE MAGAZINE' looked rough and was not at all clear from a distance, the 'MAGAZINE' part of the title also made it seem cheesey as if the audience looking to read this magazine wouldnt already know that it's a magazine.
The yellow text itself did not link back to the specific conventions of most horror film posters and did not give the magazine a good look. The main image was not large enough itself to act as a focal point in order to draw peoples attetion if they ever came across the magazine. The yellow bar at the top was a different shade of yellow completly which doesnt fit in with the yellow text at all, also the top left hand corner image did not relate to the magazine in any way shape or form so it would have been better to remove it completly.
On the right you can see the many changes which were then made to the magazine, the yellow was removed altogether. The title of the magazine was renamed to 'HORRORSCOPE' and had a bolder font used for it. The text was spread out to even out the magazine and the grey bars were removed to stop the feel as if the text was boxed off from one another. The main image was enlarged even more so now it feels as if you are being pulled in and grabbed because of the technque in which we used where the hand appears to be much upfront than the face itself and now it seems as the image is coming from the shadows with the effect used. The smaller image was also replace with a photo taken ourselves ad relates back to the horror trailer that we created and the title of the horror film trailer was enlarged as well to become more readable.
Above are the first and second attempt of the horror posters which my group and I created. From the criticism we took when we displayed our first poster to the audience who also viewed our trailer we then adapted on it and made it even better. On our first attempt at the poster you can see that the images are too far apart in order for it to be counted as a whole image, parts of the text do not stand out as they are supposed to, the date in which the film comes out is not diplayed clearly this is a main factor on a poster when you are trying to get your target audience to view your film the same goes for the website address. The age rating is not postioned in the right place on the poster; it being placed next to the title doesnt make it seem to be very clear as all the attentoin for the film up there is being drawn towards the film title.
The improvements made to this poster is that we included white text much like the magazine we stuck to the same colours and it links to the whole idea of conventions of horror film posters. The colouring of the logo was changed as well so that it fits in with the horror genre. The images are now closer together so that its the main focal point of the poster. The credit list includes all the cast and the age rating is placed at the bottom so when looking at the poster you can easly signify that the film is an age rating of fifteen as nothing along that bottom row stands out more.