Wednesday 8 December 2010

Today's lesson in media

In today's lesson in media me and my group viewed a short film. This short film was produced by a group of teenagers much like ourselves in the year above.
After watching this trailer for the first time we then viewed it many more times, whilst at the same time we took down a lot of notes about the wide range of shots that were being used. From 'Close-up' shots to 'Tracking Shots'.
We then looked into further detail on the effect that it communicates with the audience and the specific type of shots that we liked and would benefit us in our upcoming trailer.
Overall in this lesson I learnt about that the wide range of 'Low Angle Shots' and 'High Angle Shots'
as well as a 'Still Frame Images' are the most effective type of shots and we all came to the idea that we will use them effectively as well in the same sort of way.

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